
Großer Diagonale-Preis des Landes Steiermark

Bester Dokumentarfilm:
Sabine Derflinger für DIE DOHNAL Frauenministerin / Feministin / Visionärin

Produktion: Plan C Filmproduktion / Derflinger Film

€ 15.000 — gestiftet vom Land Steiermark/Kultur

sowie ein Gutschein über
€ 4.000 — gestiftet von The Grand Post – Audio & Picture Post Production

sowie ein Gutschein über
€ 2.000 — gestiftet von Mischief Films – Filmdatensicherung

Das Preisgeld erhält der/die Regisseur/in des Films, den Gutschein die Produktionsfirma des Films. In die Auswahl für den Großen Diagonale-Preis/Spielfilm kommen alle österreichischen Kinodokumentarfilme, die im Programm der Diagonale’20 präsentiert wurden. Die Jurysichtungen erfolgten nach Covid-19-bedingter Absage des Festivals online.

DIE DOHNAL © Fritz Kern

Die Begründung der Jury:
„We award the Diagonale Prize for Best Film to a film that at first glance resembles a portrait, the one of Johanna Dohnal, State Secretary for General Women’s Affairs, but which goes far beyond that framework to explore the current situation, in which activists of yesterday and today are intertwined. Johanna Dohnal, an icon of the Austrian feminist movement, has fought with all her strength and all her life for woman’s rights. Through the wealth of television archival material displayed, one can sense that her aura derives not only from her precise knowledge of feminist issues, but also from her freedom-loving verve, which energy is felt and highlighted throughout the film. But far from remaining stuck in the past, the film grows out of the present and many young women today speak about her, or express themselves on the current condition of women. A woman’s film, directed by a woman and delivered to the men and women of today. A jewel to all eyes.“

Jury Dokumentarfilm:
Matthias Dell (Filmkritiker, DE),
Fabienne Moris (FIDMarseille Programme Coordinator, FIDLab Director, FR)
Serafin Spitzer (Kameramann, AT)

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