Weben mit dem Stift
Short Documentary Film, AT 2020, Farbe, 39 min., Omeu
Diagonale 2020

Director, Script, Editor: Sara Arnsteiner
Camera: Sara Arnsteiner, Ethan Vincent
Location Sound: Deutsch
Music: Constantin Luser, Peter Jakober
Sounddesign: Gerhard Jochum
Additional Credits: Farbkorrektur:
Edgar Bültemeyer
Producers: Sara Arnsteiner
The Diagonale’20 was cancelled due to official measures to contain the spread of COVID-19.
The Austrian artist Constantin Luser believes that a good work has a red line. The next project, the next idea is generated from it. Luser needs time and space for this process; Sara Arnsteiner is granted insight into that mental and creative happening, which is seemingly without inherent limitations, in which everything resounds and has an effect.