Innovative Cinema Short, AT 2017, Farbe, 5 min., eOF
Diagonale 2017
Director, Editor: Richard Wilhelmer
Script: Belleruth Naparstek, Richard Wilhelmer
Cast: Erzählstimme: Belleruth Naparstek
Camera: Serafin Spitzer
Sounddesign: Christian Obermaier
Additional Credits:
Tonmischung: Jochen Jezussek
Farbkorrektur, Compositing: Matthias Halibrand
Technische Konstruktion: Ben Maus
Kamera-Rig: Martin Putz
Producers: Daniel Haingartner, Serafin Spitzer, Richard Wilhelmer
Hypnodrom is motion-induced delirium that loosens the borders between earth and sky, between represented reality and imagination, between being awake and dreaming: “A cinematographic look through the ‘egocentric camera’ as homage to cinema as a site of contemplation and trance” (Richard Wilhelmer).