Innovative Cinema Short, AT 2018, Farbe, 3 min.
Diagonale 2018
Director: Katrina Daschner
Cast: Hyo Lee, Sabine Marte
Camera: Hannes Bock
Editor: Hannes Bock, Katrina Daschner
Production Design: Monika Rovan
Costumes: Markus und Guilherme Pires-Mata
Additional Credits: Maske: Denise Kottlett, Jo Resch
Komposition: Sabine Marte
Production: Diagonale
Co-production: Kunsthaus Graz
The play of light and dark, surface shine, gazing and being gazed at — uncanny, enthralling, thrilling, and disturbing: with fragments from her ex- perimental short film Pfauenloch, Katrina Daschner reflects on the potential of the film medium, of the magical-fantastical projection surface in the cinema caves, where we encounter beauty and terror, pleasure and fear.