Vom Leben Lieben Sterben - Erfahrungen mit AIDS. 20 Jahre später
Short Documentary Film, AT 2013, Farbe, 61 min.
Diagonale 2014

Director: Walter Hiller, Manfred Neuwirth
Script: Konzept & Realisation: Walter Hiller, Manfred Neuwirth
Production: loop media, Medienwerkstatt Wien
They claim that Aids can be prevented; with increased com munication, awareness and safer sex. Twenty years ago the film Vom Leben Lieben Sterben focused rigorously on precisely these claims. Today, once again, four people step up before the cam era. A lot has changed since then, yet the illness remains a taboo subject and is downplayed like seldom before. It’s a personal, unsentimental interview piece in defiance of marginalization.