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In 3 Tagen bist du tot
Feature Film, AT 2006, Farbe, 97 min., OmeU
Diagonale 2019

Director: Andreas Prochaska
Script: Thomas Baum, Andreas Prochaska
Cast: Sabrina Reiter, Laurence Rupp, Nadja Vogel, Julia Rosa Stöckl, Michael Steinocher
Camera: David Slama
Editor: Karin Hartusch
Music: Matthias Weber
Production Design: Katrin Huber
Costumes: Max Wohlkönig
Producers: Helmut Grasser
Production: Allegro Film


In 3 Tagen bist du tot—at first, the high-school graduate Nina Wagner (Sabrina Reiter) and her clique think this SMS is a bad joke. But then Nina’s boyfriend Martin is horrifically drowned in the lake. Shortly thereafter, the killer brutally strikes again. The members of the clique start to panic. They are all on the killer’s death list. Nina is the only one who discovers a mysterious hint to the identity of the unknown brute. But time is pressing… “A psycho thriller with a successful emancipation story that makes no ideological claims, but in exchange, is bloody effective”. (Stefan Ruzowitzky)

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