Documentary Film, AT 2019, Farbe, 72 min., OmeU
Diagonale 2020
Director, Script: Anja Salomonowitz
Cast: Daniel Spoerri, Oskar Salomonowitz, Federico Vecchi
Camera: Martin Putz
Editor: Eleonora Camizzi, Petra Zöpnek
Location Sound: Martin Putz
Music: Bernhard Fleischmann
Sounddesign: Veronika Hlawatsch
Additional Credits: Dramaturgie: Roland Zag
Mischung: Bernhard Maisch
Farbkorrektur: Bernhard Schlick
Grafik: PEACH Wien
Marisa Burkhardt, Pierre-Emmanuel Finzi,
Yael Salomonowitz
Producers: Anja Salomonowitz
Production: Anja Salomonowitz
The Diagonale’20 was cancelled due to official measures to contain the spread of COVID-19.
Daniel Spoerri shifts kitchen utensils on a black ground. Soon, a picture will be created here. Object art, which the Viennese-based artist co-founded and -shaped. Anja Salomonowitz observes him in the process and imagines his thoughts, but, “unfortunately he saw through that.” Instead, the filmmaker creates an open portrait, in which the roles are reversed and things, perhaps dead for a short time, are brought to life.