Cinema Cristal
Innovative Cinema Short, IR/AT 2016, Farbe, 15 min., OmeU
Diagonale 2017
Director: Marlies Pöschl
Script: Konzept & Realisation: Marlies Pöschl
Cast: Farideh Azarshin, Mansoureh Etehadieh, Afsaneh Jahanpanah, Jamileh Gorjianfar, Susan Kaviani, Ali Parsa
Music: Manuel Riegler
Sounddesign: Manuel Riegler
Additional Credits:
Regieassistenz: Farnaz Jurabchian
Surroundmischung: Simon Rabeder
Übersetzung: Farnaz Jurabchian, Schayan Kazemi, Khosrow Tousi
Farbkorrektur: Simon Rabeder
Producers: Marlies Pöschl
Experiences at the cinema, memories of the cinema, the present: After the revolution there are no more movie theaters along Teheran’s former entertainment boulevard. Artificial lights flicker only from the display windows of countless lighting shops. Scattered sources of light, captured and gathered to an atmospheric, reflecting composition of moving light images – cinema with illuminating power.