Documentary Film, AT 2014, Farbe, 79 min., OmeU
Diagonale 2014
Director, Camera, Location Sound: Lisa Weber
Script: Konzept: Lisa Weber
Cast: mit: Johann Weber, Gertrude Weber, Lukas Weber, Lisa Weber
Editor: Roland Stöttinger
Sounddesign: Dominik Schlager
Additional Credits: Produktion: Rudi Takacs
Producers: Rudi Takacs
Production: Takacs Film
Sitzfleisch is a travelogue, and yet not – grandma, grandpa and their adult grandkids on the road. What begins as a moody film about a journey quickly shifts into a grueling study of human relationships. Far from a light jaunt, it is the unadorned family quarrels that are in full view of the almost painfully intimate hand-held camera. From Simmering to North Cape and back again: Vacation as self-awareness.