
Spotlight on: Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel

This year’s Spotlight on series is devoted to the internationally acclaimed duo Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel, who most recently received, among other awards, the Grand Diagonale Prize Documentary Film for Aufzeichnungen aus der Unterwelt, thus being honored for the fourth time in a main category of the festival. For Peter Schernhuber and Sebastian Höglinger, directors of the Diagonale, the realization of the film show is a labor of love, for which they were able to find an ideal partner in Camera Austria, which, parallel to and in co-production with the Diagonale’22, will be showing an extensive photo exhibition on Covi and Frimmel from March 18 to May 22. The film program will be screened from April 6 to 10 in the context of the 25th Diagonale in Graz and will be accompanied by in-depth talks with film journalist Bert Rebhandl. More here.

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