Special Program: Self-Will and History
Film as history. History in film: Along a broad spectrum of different types of films, such as trailers, weekly overview reports, avant-garde and feature films, in three chapters, the Filmarchiv Austria pursues the changeful charged relationship of film and history—including shifts in perspective and agitation: from the trauma of World War I and its expression in film to the politically contested 1930s and the postwar era through to the present. Naturally, numerous gems from the archive will surface on this journey through time.
Diagonale 2015 presents:
Program 1: Entropie
100 mal „Welt im Film“ (Bizone 1947)
Der Rabe (Kurt Steinwendner, Wolfgang Kudrnofsky, 1951)
Im Museum (Werner Kofler, 1993)
Müllers Büro (Trailer) (Niki List, 1986)
Apariciones (Maria Luz Olivares Capelle, 2014)
Program 2: Manipulationen
Österreich in Bild und Ton Nr. 37a/1934 (1934)
Schulter an Schulter (Compilation: Erwin Wratschko, 1936)
Ostmark-Wochenschau Nr. 12/1938 (1938)
Wahlwerbefilm zur Volksabstimmung am 10. April 1938 (1938)
Program 3: Narben
Defilee von österreichischen Kriegsinvaliden im Ersten Weltkrieg (1918)
Orlac’s Hände (Robert Wiene, 1925), musical accompaniment by David Schweighart