Riding My Tiger (A Cinéma Very Vérité)
Short Documentary Film, AT/DE/RI 2014, Farbe, 40 min.
Diagonale 2014

Director, Script, Editor: Ascan Breuer
Camera: Victor Jaschke, Peter C. Beyer
Music: Roumen Dimitrov
Sounddesign: Roumen Dimitrov
Additional Credits: Puppenmeister Tardjono Wignyopranoto
Producers: Ascan Breuer
Ascan Breuer on a candid journey to Java – a quest for his maternal birthplace and the protective tiger spirit that dwells within. History is revealed through stories that pay respect to the spiritual, the ineffable, and increasingly overwhelm the filmmaker. Riding My Tiger is documentary film as an experimental laboratory.
www.facebook.com/ridingmytiger, www.sixpackfilm.comScreening am 20.3.: OmdU, am 22.3.: OmdU