Innovative Cinema Short, AT 2015, Farbe, 13 min.
Diagonale 2015

Director: Billy Roisz, Dieter Kovačič
Script: Dieter Kovačič, Billy Roisz
Camera: Dieter Kovačič, Billy Roisz
Editor: Billy Roisz, Dieter Kovačič
Location Sound: Billy Roisz, Dieter Kovačič
Music: Billy Roisz, Dieter Kovačič, noid, Phil Minton
Sounddesign: Billy Roisz, Dieter Kovačič, Martin Siewert
Production: Dieter Kovačič
THE is a horror film and, at the same time, a film about horror films—a meta shocker constructed from real and (digitally) generated visual worlds, which processes the visual and oral habits conditioned by the genre. To a precise-perfidious horrific sound, the picture soon twists in a material-aesthetic martyrdom. A haunting of the “horrendous” as an audio-visual experiment.