Documentary Film, AT 2022, Farbe, 80 min., 24.03. OmeU / 26.03. dOF
Diagonale 2023

Director, Script: Evelyne Faye
Camera: Michael Schindegger
Editor: Joana Scrinzi
Location Sound: Ines Vorreiter, Lenka Mikulová
Music: Coshiva
Sounddesign: Sebastian Watzinger
Additional Credits: Dramaturgie: Joana Scrinzi
Zusätzliche Dramaturgie: Wolfgang Widerhofer
Tonmischung: Sebastian Watzinger
Farben: Andi Winter
Antonia Bernkopf
Teresa-Saija Wieser
Michael Kitzberger
Producers: Michael Kitzberger, Wolfgang Widerhofer, Nikolaus Geyrhalter, Markus Glaser
Production: NGF - Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion GmbH
LASS MICH FLIEGEN accompanies four young people who shape their lives according to their own wishes, take a stand for their right to work, marriage, children, and political participation and resist the socially enforced limitations of a trisomy 21 diagnosis. A powerful portrait about being seen and heard that tells of both the struggle as well as the absolute will to live a self-determined life.