Wo ich wohne. Ein Film für Ilse Aichinger
Documentary Film, AT 2013, Farbe+SW, 87 min.
Diagonale 2014

Director, Script: Christine Nagel
Cast: mit: Verena Lercher, David Monteiro, Moritz Uhl
Camera: Isabelle Casez, Helmut Wimmer
Editor: Niki Mossböck
Location Sound: Bruno Pisek, Tong Zhang, Ludovic Lasserre, Christine Nagel
Music: Gerd Bessler
Sounddesign: Christofer Frank
Production Design: Katrin Huber
Additional Credits: Regieassistenz: Silvia Pernegger
Producers: Kurt Mayer
Production: kurt mayer film
Prose, history and stories are distilled into a fragmentary visual memory, which Christine Nagel poetically interweaves with the urban space as she strolls through Vienna. It is enhanced by Ilse Aichinger’s self-produced Super-8 recordings and by scenes, which trace the alienation of the protagonist of her eponymous short story. The film treats us to an aesthetically diverse portrait of the author, whose work possesses a timeless existential dimension.