Die Wölfin vom Teufelsmoor aka Tod im November
Feature Film, AT 1978, Farbe, 84 min.
Diagonale 2013

Director: Helmut Pfandler
Script: Helmut Pfandler, Karl Heinz Willschrei
Cast: John Philipp Law, Florinda Bolkan, Siegfried Wischnewski, Claudia Rieschel, Guido Wieland
Camera: Hanns Matula
Editor: Daniela Padalewski-Junek,
Wolfang Schacht
Music: Gerhard Heinz
Producers: Wolfgang Odelga
A fantasyhorror and mystery extravaganza set in a rural idyll: Florinda Bolkan, the Brazilian Grande Dame of the 1970s euro cinema, plays Walburga Vendel, the witch from Erlhof. There is an imminent threat in the form of John Phillip Law (the famous male angel in Roger Vadim’s Barbarella), an architect from the city who has come to survey the land in hopes of industrializing it. As love collides with hate, inexplicable deaths begin to accumulate. The film is an unjustly forgotten gem of commercial cinema from the soil and blood of the Heimatfilm.