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Short Film, AT 2020, Farbe, 17 min., OmeU
Diagonale 2020

Director, Script: Raphaela Schmid
Cast: Julia Franz Richter, Roman Binder, Marlene Hauser, Marie-Christine Crowder, Peter Pertussini, Lucia Campos, Lukas Weiss, Regis Mainka, Felix Kreutzer
Camera: Simone Hart
Editor: Philipp Mayer
Location Sound: Jón Geirfinnson, Ken Rischard, Theda Schifferdecker
Sounddesign: Jón Geirfinnson, Luzia Johow
Production Design: Andrej Rutar, Lisa Ulrich
Costumes: Veronika Harb
Producers: Claudia Joldes
Production: Filmakademie Wien


The Diagonale’20 was cancelled due to official measures to contain the spread of COVID-19.

At a Chinese restaurant, two siblings meet for the first time after their mother’s death, and it turns out to be just as intimate as it is conflictual. Raphaela Schmid’s tragicomedy shows how between kitsch lighting, aquariums, and fortune cookies, a special parting ritual makes it possible to overcome a loss of words and sense of guilt.

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