Ein Clown | Ein Leben
Documentary Film, AT 2021, Farbe, 105 min., 10.06. OmdU/11.06. OmeU
Diagonale 2021

Director, Editor: Harald Aue
Script: Harald Aue, Thomas Christian Eichtinger
Cast: Bernhard Paul, Fulgenci Mestres, Marco Antonio Vega, Eliana Larible-Paul, Lili Paul, Vivi Paul, Patrick Philadelphia, Eddy Neumann, Anatoli Akerman, u.v.m.
Camera: Michael Gartner, Anna Baltl
Location Sound: Tong Zhang, Benedikt Palier, Jón Geirfinnsson
Music: Ernst Molden & Der Nino aus Wien
Sounddesign: Rudolf Pototschnig
Production Design: Zora Kats
Producers: Thomas Christian Eichtinger
Production: Neue Vitaskop Film
Bernhard Paul, co-founder of the world-famous Circus Roncalli, yearns to be back in the arena as the clown Zippo. In Harald Aue’s film, he gets ready, puts on make-up, and rehearses with the new clown from Mexico. But what’s the actual story of Roncalli? Paul lets us take a look back at the making of the circus, tells us of his life’s work, which seems natural, casual. Just like the music by the duo Ernst Molden & Der Nino aus Wien that floats through the film like artists on a trapeze.