Short Film, DE 2009, Farbe, 9 min., OmeU
Diagonale 2010

Director, Script, Editor: Florian Röser
Cast: Anna Maria Mühe, Stefan Konarske
Camera: Michal Grabowski
Location Sound: Magnus Pflüger, Kuen-Il Song, Christian Schossig
Sounddesign: Martin Frühmorgen
Producers: Hartmut Bitomsky, Redaktion: Barbara Häbe (arte)
Production: Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin (DE)
A woman and a man on the way to one place or another. At a moments notice irritation gives way to aggression, to caresses and reconciliatory singsong. The air doesn’t seem to have gone out of this relationship yet – a constant back and forth, somewhere between mutual closeness and not being able to stand each other. Observations of a relationship.