Innovative Cinema Short, FR/AT 2019, Farbe, 22 min., OmeU
Diagonale 2020

Director, Script, Editor: Marlies Pöschl
Cast: Alexis Beauleux,
Mathilde Banco,
Kitzy Moussa,
Jonathan Mambo
u. a.
Camera: Victor Zébo, David Rabeder
Location Sound: Gael Eleon
Music: Peter Kutin, Agnes Hvizdalek
Sounddesign: Peter Kutin
Production Design: Les Maintenants
Additional Credits: Drohnenpilot:
Daniel Ausweger
Producers: Marlies Pöschl
Production: Hidden Mother (FR)
Co-production: CAC Brétigny (FR)
The Diagonale’20 was cancelled due to official measures to contain the spread of COVID-19.
Aurore is a voice that is meant to make people happy. For example, at an old-age home. She has no body and knows neither pain nor loneliness. Marlies Pöschl’s collaboratively created three-act film reflects on automated caregiving, programmability of affects, and the "self-consciousness" of artificial intelligence.