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Verrückt bleiben, verliebt bleiben
Documentary Film, DE 1997, Farbe, 86 min.
Diagonale 2011

Director: Elfi Mikesch
Script: Elfi Mikesch
Cast: mit Torsten Ricardo Engelholz, Mitglieder des Theaters Thikwá u.a.
Camera: Elfi Mikesch
Editor: Heide Breitel
Location Sound: Lilly Grote
Music: Roland Steckel, Lazlo Waszlavik
Producers: Annedore von Donop
Production: Mediopolis Film- und Fernsehproduktion
Co-production: WDR


Torsten Ricardo E., 31 years old, artist, actor, and passionate subway passenger. The film records his many subway rides, and traces the story of Torsten’s life. As a child he was locked away in a dark shed for eight years; a children’s home and psychiatric ward followed. “It’s the others who are disabled, knowledge disabled, because they do not recognize your abilities,” Torsten says. Rarely has a film taken such a tender approach to thoughts and feelings of a person who is usually deliberately overlooked.

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