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Unsichtbare Gegner
Innovative Cinema, AT 1976, Farbe+SW, 112 min.
Diagonale 2011

Director: VALIE EXPORT, Peter Weibel
Script: Peter Weibel (nach einer Idee von VALIE EXPORT)
Cast: Susanne Widl, Peter Weibel, Josef Plavec, Helke Sander, Monika Helfer-Friedrich
Camera: Wolfgang Simon
Editor: Herbert Baumgartner, Juno Sylva Englander, VALIE EXPORT
Location Sound: Hans Hartel, Klaus Hundsbichler, Rainer Kalchauser, Mel Kutba


Anna, an artist, is obsessed with the invasion of alien doubles bent on total destruction. Her schizophrenia is reflected in the juxtapositions of long movie camera takes with violently edited montages: private with public spaces; black & white with colour, still photographs with video, earsplitting sounds with disruptive camera angles. Anna uses her body like a map; after a devastating quarrel with her lover, she paints red stitches on herself. (Artforum, Nov. 1980)

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