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Udo Proksch - Out of Control
Documentary Film, AT 2010, Farbe, 87 min., OmeU
Diagonale 2011

Director, Script: Robert Dornhelm
Camera: Peter Kofler, Andreas Hutter
Editor: Klaus Hundsbichler
Location Sound: Tic Music
Music: Harald Kloser
Producers: Wolfgang Ramml, Peter Coeln
Production: Filmhaus Wien
Co-production: WestLicht-Schauplatz für Fotografie


Udo Proksch: the usher of a carnival of gluttony? A student of the National Political Institute of Education, designer of glasses, founder of the legendary “Club 45”, friend of the rich and mighty, gun fanatic, lobbyist and murderer. Udo Proksch had many faces and about as many famous friends who claimed he knew Vienna and its structures better than anyone else. Without passing judgment, Robert Dornhelm reconstructs the contradictory life of a criminal jack-of all-trades.

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