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Emigration, N.Y. - Die Geschichte einer Vertreibung
Documentary Film, AT 1996, Farbe+SW, 179 min., OmeU
Diagonale 2018

Director, Script: Egon Humer
Camera: Peter Roehsler
Editor: Karina Ressler
Location Sound: Bruno Pisek
Additional Credits: Recherche und Beratung: Amos Vogel Organisation New York: Marcia Vogel Produktionsbetreuung: Michael Kitzberger
Production: Prisma Film- und Fernsehproduktion


Between March 1938 and November 1941 the National Socialists used discriminatory decrees and laws and open terror to get rid of more than 130.000 Jewish Austrians. Approximately 30.000 of them fled to the United States. New York was the preferred center. Seven women and five men talk about their childhood in Austria, living under constant existential danger after the “Anschluss,” the loss of property, the struggle to emigrate, the strains of the mostly odyssey-like journey, the arrival in a foreign country where not only the language was alien to them.

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