Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg
Innovative Cinema Short, DE 2008, Farbe, 10 min., OmeU
Diagonale 2009

Director: Benjamin Swiczinsky, Thorsten Löffler
Script: Benjamin Swiczinsky,
Thorsten Löffler
Cast: Juri Rosstalnij, Matthias Hungerbühler, Jan Krauter, Martin Weigel, Sula Pferdt
Camera: Dominik Berg
Editor: Benjamin Swiczinsky,
Thorsten Löffler
Location Sound: Joh Schleith
Music: Christina Zenk
Sounddesign: Felipe Sanchez, Alexander Zlamal
Producers: Thorsten Löffler, Nikola Vucajic, Boris Frank
Production: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg (DE)
“The only good customer is an unhappy customer,” is the motto of Sergej, a successful bartender, but one day the tide seems to turn. An unbearable snob and his party try Sergej’s principles. @i:Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg:i@ confronts real and animated actors with a bizarre expressionist 1920s setting, created from pictures done in oil and acrylics.