ri-m#06_Al (feat. Alien/Ridley Scott 1979)
Innovative Cinema Short, AT 2009, Farbe, 3 min.
Diagonale 2010

Director, Script, Camera, Editor: Klaus Pamminger
Sounddesign: Hjalti Bager-Jonathansson, Klaus Pamminger
Producers: Klaus Pamminger
Klaus Pamminger’s apartment, filmed with a fixed camera, is the starting point for part six of his Rauminvasionen (room invasions) movies. This time, film stills from Ridley Scott’s Alien have conquered the living room, papering over walls and surfaces – the fiction seems to be struggling with reality for ownership of the space. Sounds from the original movie overlay the scene, a snarl of voices, a carpet of sound. An apartment as spaceship.