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Short Documentary Film, AT 2017, Farbe, 18 min., OmdU
Diagonale 2018

Director: Oliver Ressler, Zanny Begg
Script: Zanny Begg, Oliver Ressler
Cast: David Isaacs, Mark Isaacs, Alanna Maycock, Hasantha Gunasekera
Camera: William Robertson
Editor: Zanny Begg, Oliver Ressler
Location Sound: William Robertson
Sounddesign: James Brown
Additional Credits: Das Footage wurde auf Nauru von anonymen Whistleblower aufgenommen. Text: Matthew Hyland, Oliver Ressler Sprecherin: Renée Gadsden Tonaufnahme des Gedichts, Farbkorrektur: Rudolf Gottsberger


A tiny secluded island nation in the Pacific. On Nauru, the Australian government operates one of their off shore refugee detention centers between the depleted phosphate mines. Four whistle blow­ers tell of inhumane conditions at the camp and the offcials’ attempt to cover up things. A film with cracked poetic images shrouded by an oppressive veil.

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