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Die ArbeiterInnen verlassen die Fabrik
Innovative Cinema Short, AT 2012, Farbe, 11 min., ohne Dialog
Diagonale 2012

Director, Script, Editor, Location Sound, Sounddesign: Katharina Gruzei
Camera: Renate Bauer
Producers: Katharina Gruzei


In 1895, in the German title of the film by the Lumières Brothers, it was simply male workers that were leaving the factory, even though there were clearly more women than men to be seen. Gruzei, in her reinterpretation, renders moot the assignment of gender in title and picture. In the flickering light of the film, the camera shows silhouettes and swims with the mass of people exiting the tobacco factory. Only at the end is the original scene recreated, but this time with extended perception.

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