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Population Boom
Documentary Film, AT 2013, Farbe, 93 min., OmdU
Diagonale 2014

Director, Script: Werner Boote
Camera: Dominik Spritzendorfer, Mario Hötschl
Editor: Emily Artmann
Location Sound: Andreas Hamza
Music: Karwan Marouf
Sounddesign: Thomas Pötz, Andreas Hamza
Producers: Markus Glaser, Michael Kitzberger, Wolfgang Widerhofer, Nikolaus Geyrhalter
Production: NGF Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion


A horrific scenario: seven billion people inhabiting Earth. Vanishing resources, poisonous piles of garbage, hunger and climate change – the effects of overpopulation? But who says the world is overpopulated? And which one of us should go? Following the success of Plastic Planet, Werner Boote travels the globe in Population Boom to investigate a worldview that is decades in gridlock. For him, the question is entirely different: Who or what is pushing this end-of-days scenario? (Production note)

www.populationboom.at, www.thimfilm.at

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