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Documentary Film, US 1957, Schwarzweiß, 26 min., eOF
Diagonale 2020

Director: Lionel Rogosin
Script: John Hersey
Camera: Gerald Gregoire, Lionel Rogosin
Editor: Alexander Hammid
Additional Credits: Produktionsaufsicht: Thorold Dickinson
Production: United Nations Film Board
Co-production: Office of Public Information


Three documentary-inspired works that illuminate life on the run and as a displaced person in a camp in very different ways: first, an unedited document by the US Army Signal Corps from April 1945, then a retrospective by the great avant-garde filmmaker Jonas Mekas on his years as a displaced person in Germany and finally, a short film commissioned by the United Nations about the Hungarian crisis in 1956 and the refugee camp Traiskirchen.

This film would have been part of the short film program „Displaced Persons“ in the Diagonale’20 historical special Displaced Persons.

Kurzfilmprogramm „Displaced Persons“
Displaced Persons (R: United States Army Signal Corps, US 1945)
Reminiszenzen aus Deutschland (R: Jonas Mekas, DE 1971/93)
Out (R: Lionel Rogosin, US 1957)

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