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Nicht löschbares Feuer
Innovative Cinema, BRD 1969, Farbe, 23 min., OmeU
Diagonale 2019

Director: Harun Farocki
Script: Harun Farocki
Cast: Harun Farocki, Gerd Volker Bussäus , Caroline Gremm, Hanspeter Krüger, Ingrid Oppermann
Camera: Gerd Conradt
Editor: Harun Farocki
Location Sound: Ulrich Knaudt


How is it possible to work precisely, formally, and from new angles against rigid thought patterns? The creator of this year’s Diagonale trailer, Johann Lurf, collects historical and current cinematic works that show political thinking, speaking, acting, and filmmaking as matters of immediate urgency. All together, they question the apparently given. What strategies do filmmakers use to illuminate a present political situation and move viewers? Without movement, no change—a motion picture as food for thought.

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