Mein blindes Herz
Feature Film, AT 2013, Schwarzweiß, 98 min., OmeU
Diagonale 2013

Director, Script, Editor: Peter Brunner
Cast: Christos Haas, Jana McKinnon, Robert Schmiedt, Susanne Lothar, Georg Friedrich u.a.
Camera: Franz Dude
Location Sound: Philip Zauner
Music: Cardiochaos
Sounddesign: Laura Endres
Production Design: Simone Ehegartner, Nina Salak
Costumes: Hanna Adlaoui
Producers: Therese Seemann, Klara von Veegh
Almost completely blind, Kurt lives disconnected from the world around him. After his dream of a scholarship to study marine biology is shattered, his frustration unleashes an auto-destructive revolt against his own body; against the expression of something he never wanted to be, that society was never willing to accept. In contrasting black-and-white photos, Peter Brunner orchestrates a rebellion, which pushes all those involved to their very limits.