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Meshes of the Afternoon
Innovative Cinema Short, US 1943, Schwarzweiß, 14 min., kein Dialog
Diagonale 2021

Director: Maya Deren, Alexander Hammid
Script: Maya Deren
Music: Teiji Ito


Hotel is a key film in Jessica Hausner’s ouevre, with which she also aroused international attention. At the center of the psycho-thriller is a receptionist at an Alpine hotel whose fate begins to intertwine with that of her predecessor who vanished mysteriously. Shown as a pre-film will be the experimental short Meshes of the Afternoon by Maya Deren and Alexander Hammid. The work of the U.S.-American avant-garde director as well as the sound world of the composer Teiji Ito who died in 1982, were great sources of inspiration for Hausner’s oeuvre.

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