A Masque of Madness (Notes on Film 06-B, Monologue 02)
Innovative Cinema, AT 2013, Farbe+SW, 79 min., OmeU
Diagonale 2014

Director, Script, Editor: Norbert Pfaffenbichler
Cast: Boris Karloff
Location Sound: Christof Amann
Music: Johann Sebastian Bach
Producers: Norbert Pfaffenbichler
Norbert Pfaffenbichler constructs a meta-narration from around 170 film and television performances by Boris “The Master of Horror” Karloff. Together the films – color, black-and-white, silent and sound – are woven into a historically, cinematically and visually hypnotic kaleidoscope. A Masque of Madness is a tribute and found-footage experiment all in one. It is an exuberant labyrinth of paradoxical logic and narration, not to mention a wonderful, media-oriented Frankensteinian monster.
www.norbertpfaffenbichler.com, www.sixpackfilm.com