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Lovely Rita
Feature Film, AT/DE 2001, Farbe, 79 min.
Diagonale 2018

Director, Script: Jessica Hausner
Cast: Barbara Osika, Christoph Bauer, Peter Fiala, Wolfgang Kostal, Karina Brandlmayer
Camera: Martin Gschlacht
Editor: Karin Hartusch
Location Sound: Thomas Schmidt-Gentner
Production: coop99 filmproduktion
Co-production: Prisma Film- und Fernsehproduktion Essential Film


From a teenager’s perspective, the province is a particularly backward habitat, which is too tight, too small, too much out of fashion and has to be left behind. A change can be brought about by a burning swimming pool that promises action, intoxication; and hormones that blend out the province, or by breaking the structures that make up what we mean when we say “provincial.”

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