Documentary Film, AT 2022, Farbe, 88 min., OmdU
Diagonale 2022

Director, Script, Editor: Robert Schabus
Camera: Lukas Gnaiger
Location Sound: Bertram Knappitsch
Music: Lukas Lauermann
Sounddesign: Andreas Frei
Additional Credits: Regieassistenz: Marie-Therese Vollmer
Dramaturgie: Wolfgang Widerhofer
Farbkorrektur: Lukas Lerperger
Produktionsleitung: Antonia Bernkopf
Herstellungsleitung: Michael Kitzberger
Producers: Michael Kitzberger Wolfgang Widerhofer Markus Glaser Nikolaus Geyrhalter Michael Kitzberger Wolfgang Widerhofer Markus Glaser Nikolaus Geyrhalter, Michael Kitzberger Wolfgang Widerhofer Markus Glaser Nikolaus Geyrhalter
Production: NGF - Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion GmbH
The territory of the Alps, unique and meanwhile also endangered, stretches across eight countries. Robert Schabus spoke with people in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, France, and Italy, and visited small farms and wealthy winter sports resorts, saw snowmaking machines and a tragic fall into the depths. What emerged is a picture of our society in an area in need of special attention by virtue of its topography.