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Feature Film, AT 2019, Farbe, 90 min., OmeU
Diagonale 2019

Director: Elena Tikhonova
Script: Robert Buchschwenter, Elena Tikhonova
Cast: Margarita Breitkreiz (Nadja), Daria Nosik (Vera), Sabrina Reiter (Teresa), Georg Friedrich (Klaus), Simon Schwarz (Ferdinand), Mikhail Evlanov (Igor), Joseph Lorenz (Hans Zech), Robert Finster (Don)
Camera: Dominik Spritzendorfer, AAC
Editor: Cordula Werner, Karin Hammer, Alarich Lenz, Daniel Prochaska, Dominik Spritzendorfer
Location Sound: Sergey Martynyuk
Music: Karwan Marouf
Sounddesign: Karim Weth
Production Design: Hannes Salat, Julia Oberndorfinger
Costumes: Theresa Ebner-Lazek
Additional Credits: Maskenbild: Sam Dopona Casting: Rita Waszilovics Animationen: Maria Otter
Producers: Ursula Wolschlager, Alexander Glehr, Franz Novotny, Kurt Mrkwicka (Koproduzent), Andreas Kamm (Koproduzent), Oliver Auspitz (Koproduzent)
Production: Witcraft Filmproduktion GmbH
Co-production: Novotny & Novotny Filmproduktion MR Film


The Russian oligarch Igor wants to put up a building at Schwedenbrücke. But first, a few city councilors have to be bribed and the redevelopment of the Danube Canal promoted. At the same time, the interpreter Nadja and the sketchy character Klaus have their eyes on Igor’s money. The Austro- Russian director Elena Tikhonova plays with stereotypes and takes male megalomania to task in the star-studded culture-clash gangster comedy.

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