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Interrogation Room
Innovative Cinema Short, AT 2009, Farbe, 2 min.
Diagonale 2009

Director, Script: Dariusz Kowalski
Cast: Adelheid Picha, Markus Subramaniam, Heinz Schanil
Camera: Martin Putz, Christian Haake
Location Sound: Gailute Miksyte
Music: Stefan Németh, Steven Hess
Production Design: Harald Hasler, Johannes Stattmann, Stephen Mathewson, Franz Gebetsberger, Roland Fink
Costumes: Natalie Schwager
Additional Credits: Regieassistenz & Casting: Katharina Mückstein
Producers: Dariusz Kowalski


This year's Diagonale trailer, Interrogation Room, takes observation and the concealed gaze of both psychiatry and cinema as its theme, and takes the setting of a room with a one way mirror as its starting point. In common with the voyeuristic gaze of the cinema auditorium the therapist must form fragmentary observations into a picture on which to base a diagnosis, and this picture becomes a filmic experience for the audience.

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