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I Was A Teenage Zabbadoing
Feature Film, AT 1988, Schwarzweiß, 68 min.
Diagonale 2013

Director, Script, Editor: Carl "Caro B." Andersen
Cast: Carl "Caro B." Andersen, Yasmin Bevilaqua, Ruby Tuesday, Geo Mayr, Libor Morbid, Ronnie „Iraschek“ Urini, Harald Dolezal, Reinhard Jud, Andreas Ungerböck , Stefan Grissemann
Camera: Georg Eisnecker
Music: Modell Doo, Future Blues


(for audience above 18 years only!)

A studded­belt wearing Vampirella from Planet Arus battles a secret lodge that seeks to wipe out her kin. It is through contaminated olive oil that her sex and blood­craving virus is spread. Before long, the city degenerates into street riots, mass orgies and mutilated body parts. The film is a head­trip brimming with provocative exuberance, a search for subcultural identity and an invitation into the Viennese underground scene of the 1980s.

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