Das große Museum
Documentary Film, AT 2014, Farbe, 94 min., OmeU
Diagonale 2014

Director: Johannes Holzhausen
Script: Johannes Holzhausen, Constantin Wulff
Camera: Joerg Burger, Attila Boa
Editor: & Dramaturgie: Dieter Pichler
Location Sound: Andreas Pils, Andreas Hamza
Sounddesign: Andreas Hamza
Additional Credits: Regieassistenz: Ursula Henzl
Produktionsleitung: Hanne Lassl
Producers: Johannes Rosenberger
Production: Navigator Film
The Great Museum is a curious, witty and humorous peek behind the scenes of the world-famous Kunsthistorisches Museum. Shot in the attentive style of direct cinema, the film observes the various processes involved in creating a perfect setting for art. From the managing director to the cleaning people, from the carriers to the art historians, the staff members at the museum are all interdependent cogs in the same machine. (Production note)
www.dasgrossemuseum.com, www.navigatorfilm.com, www.stadtkinowien.at