Es muss was geben
Documentary Film, AT 2010, Farbe, 104 min., OmeU
Diagonale 2011

Director: Oliver Stangl, Christian Tod
Script: Gregor Centner, Oliver Stangl, Christian Tod (nach dem Buch von Andreas Kump)
Cast: mit Ada Atzmüller, Heli Bacher, Didi Bruckmayr, Wolfgang Dorninger, Thomas
Baua Hauer, Wolfgang Lehner u.a.
Camera: Gregor Centner
Editor: Oliver Stangl, Christian Tod
Location Sound: Xaver B. Novak
Music: Fuckhead, Willi Warma, Die Mollies, The Rats, In-Seit, Feuerlöscher, Seven Sioux, Texta, Urfahrer Durchbruch u.a.
Sounddesign: Phil Sicko at KAPU
Producers: Gregor Centner, Oliver Stangl, Christian Tod
Production: DADACORPS Filmproduktion
In 1981, Willi Warma sang, “Steel city kids live way too fast.” And sure enough, for a long time nothing could go fast enough for the residents of Linz in regards to subculture, underground, and “amateur music.” They played, drank, and partied – raw and somehow real. “That’s how it used to be,” says contemporary Thomas Baua Hauer. In subjective, romanticized memories anaturally nostalgic picture unfolds of short-lived (utopian) music and youth culture.