During the Many Years
Short Documentary Film, AT 1991, Farbe, 40 min., OmdU
Diagonale 2023

Director, Script: Goran Rebić
Cast: Tako Charkviani, Merab Ninidze, Nino Begiashvili, Levan Kitia, Ludmila Makarova, Irina Gergeuli, Merab Beridze, Irakli Kikilashvili, Nunu Jividze, Nana Shonia u.a.
Camera: Jerzy Palacz
Editor: Frank Soiron
Location Sound: Frank Soiron
Additional Credits: Kameraassistenz: Gerald Liegel
Goran Rebić’s first film, Gekommen bin ich der Arbeit wegen, is a tracing of the stations that his father Ratko passed through as guest worker in a foreign land, in Austria. Domovina, a musical tale of the old Serbian folksong, leads to Austria and to the Serbian-Romanian border, a dreamlike and melancholic melody of the diaspora. The documentary essay During the Many Years , which requires no socio-historical explanation and no narrator, reproduces a collection of impressions during a journey to Tbilissi (Tiflis) in May 1991.