Ich seh Ich seh
Feature Film, AT 2014, Farbe, 99 min., OmeU
Diagonale 2015

Director: Veronika Franz, Severin Fiala
Script: Veronika Franz, Severin Fiala
Cast: Susanne Wuest, Lukas Schwarz, Elias Schwarz, Hans Escher, Elfriede Schatz, Karl Purker u.a.
Camera: Martin Gschlacht
Editor: Michael Palm
Location Sound: Klaus Kellermann
Music: unter Verwendung von Kompositionen von Olga Neuwirth
Sounddesign: Matz Müller, Erik Mischijew
Production Design: Hannes Salat, Hubert Klausner
Costumes: Tanja Hausner
Producers: Ulrich Seidl
Production: Ulrich Seidl Film Produktion GmbH
In the heat of summer: A lonely house in the countryside between woods and cornfields. Ten-year-old twins wait for their mother. When she comes home bandaged after cosmetic surgery, nothing is the same anymore. The children begin to doubt if this woman is really their mother and try to find out the truth. An existential struggle for identity and basic trust takes its course. (Production notes)