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Feature Film, AT/FR 2009, Farbe, 110 min., fOmdU
Diagonale 2010

Director, Script: Patric Chiha
Cast: Béatrice Dalle, Isaie Sultan, Alain Libolt, Raphael Bouvet, Sylvie Rohrer, Udo Samel u.a.
Camera: Pascal Poucet
Editor: Karina Ressler
Location Sound: Walter Fiklocki
Music: Milkymee
Sounddesign: Mikael Barre
Production Design: Celine Cayron, Maria Gruber
Costumes: Pierre Canitrot, Theresa Ebner-Lazek
Producers: Ebba Sinzinger, Vincent Lucassen, Charlotte Vincent
Production: WILDart FILM
Co-production: Aurora Films (FR)


The unusual, almost obsessive friendship between the young Pierre and the much older mathematician Nadia is characterised by ritual: walks, explorations of the city, usually on foot – different and yet always the same. Slowly but surely their routines start to fall apart and disorder sets in. While Nadia succumbs to alcoholism, and begins to give up on herself, Pierre develops a certain amount of independence which allows him to start living his own life.

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