DIE DOHNAL Frauenministerin / Feministin / Visionärin
Documentary Film, AT 2019, Farbe, 104 min., OmeU
Diagonale 2020
Director, Script: Sabine Derflinger
Camera: Christine A. Maier, Eva Testor
Editor: Niki Mossböck
Location Sound: Andreas Hamza, Georg Misch, Axel Traun, Hjalti Bager-Jonathansson
Producers: Sabine Derflinger, Claudia Wohlgenannt
Production: Plan C Filmproduktion
Co-production: Derflinger Filmproduktion
The Diagonale’20 was cancelled due to official measures to contain the spread of COVID-19.
The situation for women in Austria would be a different one if not for Johanna Dohnal. From 1979 to 1995 State Secretary for General Women’s Affairs in the federal government, she promoted modern women’s politics against all opposition. In her complex portrait, Sabine Derflinger shows Dohnal’s impact, making use of archive material as well as countless interviews with Dohnal’s companions and intellectual heirs.