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Donauspuren, digitale Weite und andere Dinge
Innovative Cinema Short, AT 2020, Farbe, 5 min., 25.3. eOF / 28.3. dOF
Diagonale 2020

Director, Script, Costumes: Carola Dertnig
Cast: Flora Buchberger, Alma Brugger, Feli Dertnig
Camera: Katharina Cibulka
Editor: Katharina Cibulka
Additional Credits: Tonmischung: Jürgen Brunner
Text: Carola Dertnig, Amelie Schlögelhofer
Sprecherin: Marie Themel
Farbkorrektur: Antonius Bacak / BC ART CONSULTATION
Producers: Carola Dertnig


The Diagonale’20 was cancelled due to official measures to contain the spread of COVID-19.

In the midst of the clean globalization architecture of the Donau City, in a game they play, three girls combine digitization and antiquity, endlessness and farsightedness, internet and memory. The philosophical-poetic search for clues, which Carola Dertnig captures as digital document, questions the influence of the past on the present.

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