Capri – Musik die sich entfernt
Feature Film, DE/AT 1984, Farbe, 103 min.
Diagonale 2012

Director, Script: Ferry Radax
Cast: Miguel Herz-Kestranek, Joan Fischer, John von Dreelen, Uta Cramer, Rita Maggi u.a.
Camera: Rüdiger Laske, Ferry Radax
Editor: Rüdiger Laske, Ferry Radax
Location Sound: Hannes Glückert
Music: Claus Ogerman, Ernest Bloch, Jean Sibelius, Maurice Ravel, Sergej Rachmaninow u.a.
Production: TV 2000 Film- und Fernsehproduktion
Co-production: für die WDR-Musikredaktion
The Vesuvius crater bursts open, and out of the fog we see a ghostly procession of illustrious figures: kings, generals, painters, poets, and composers rise from the dead to wreak their nightly havoc. In search of inspiration for his symphony, the curious composer and aesthete Cyrill K. happens upon these spirits. The film is a feast of image and color underpinned by a sound collage by the likes of Mendelssohn, Sibelius, Claus Ogerman, etc.