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Cerolax II
Innovative Cinema Short, AT 1985, Schwarzweiß, 3 min.
Diagonale 2009

Director, Script, Camera, Editor, Location Sound: Mara Mattuschka
Cast: Mimi Minus
Production: Hochschule für angewandte Kunst Wien, Meisterklasse Maria Lassnig


In @i:Cerolax II:i@ (…) the star, Mimi Minus, advertises a new sticky black brain wash. M. M. First uses on it on her reflection to clean half of the brain, and then proceeds to use it on her body. She sprays every sign, replacing these marks with a new colour, then she cements her senses with this wonder stuff. First cementing her pubic area, then the shoulders, finally the eyes, mouth and ears. Ultimately the lightly devastated and in this way cleaned housewife puts on a wig and gazes profoundly into the camera/mirror. (Christa Blümlinger)

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