Glaube, Liebe, Tod
Feature Film, AT 2011, Farbe, 64 min., OmeU
Diagonale 2012
Director, Script: Peter Kern
Cast: Traute Furthner, Peter Kern, Joao Moreira Pedrosa
Camera: Peter Roehsler
Editor: Tom Hangweyrer
Location Sound: Benjamin Kalisch
Music: Friedrich Händel, Ronald Hornbach
Sounddesign: Axel Rab
Production Design: Michael Schneider
Producers: Michael Klangvoll
Production: Kulturfabrik Austria
In order to ease the symptoms of incontinence, Peter Gmeiner retreats to Lychen Lake with his mother. When an illegal African immigrant appears, the situation quickly turns into an ill-fated chamber play: The confinement on the houseboat becomes a metaphor for a European culture bent on discrimination and self-preservation. Driven by an inability to love and governed by prejudice and deceit, the daily ordeal of the protagonists threatens to spiral out of control.