Ghost Copy
Innovative Cinema Short, AT 2016, Farbe+SW, 2 min.
Diagonale 2016

Director: Christiana Perschon
Script: Konzept und Realisation: Christiana Perschon
Camera: Found Footage
Location Sound: Found Footage
Additional Credits: Found Footage,
Amateurfilme (1935-1965),
Sammlung des Österreichischen Filmmuseums,
Wiener Stadt- und Landesarchiv/Filmarchiv der mediawien,
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum,
Smartphone Uploads (2015),
Facebook Group Abu Ammar,
Übersetzung Mahmut Osman
Producers: Christiana Perschon
Production: Christiana Perschon
Allegorical images flash up between black frames: Over this, a sound montage of scraps of conversation and noise. Following the compositional principle of Günter Brus’s “Vienna walk” documented on 8-mm film, Ghost Copy synthesizes amateur analogue film material with digital sound fragments. In this way, a space is created in which the zeitgeist (ghost of time) and images of humanity make ghostly appearances.